Thursday, May 21, 2009

What sucks more?

What sucks more for the Chicago White Sox: a 20-1 lose or Jake Peavy saying "thanks but HELL NO!"?

20-1- I don't know if there anything worse in major league baseball than to give up 20 runs in a game and only scoring one, but the good thing is that is wasn't a shutout. They did score the last run of the game which could be one gleam in dark lose.

Peavy- This is without a doubt the biggest lost for the ChiSox. You go to give up four prospects to the Padres for Jake Peavy to say I dont want to play for you. Really? He wants to play in the midwest and would have signed off on the cross town Cubs. The reason? He likes to hit. If you enjoy batting then why would you sign off on a deal to send you to the AL. That would be like Carlos Zambrano, a beast at the plate, ending up playing for the Yankees. Enough said.

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