Saturday, May 23, 2009


It may be too early to say this but we finally have great playoff basketball in the Eastern and Western Conference Finals. In four games the scores have been separated by only 7 points combined. Outside of any series Boston was involved in (two game sevens with Chicago and Orlando), there hasn't been great basketball until now.

I know LA and Houston went to seven games but that was a horrible series when the Lakers can win by 40 in LA then lose big in Houston. That was, hands down, the least entertaining seven game series I have seen in my entire life.

With two 1 point wins in the series, Cleveland and Orlando seem to be destined for at least one great overtime game and hoping for a Chicago/Boston series with King James rising up to take the East once again. Game winning 3s in both games by LeBron and Rashard Lewis respectably. Not to mention Hedo Turkoglu may have had the best final 2 minutes in game 2 but he got showed up by the King himself. Turkoglu had five HUGE points to end that game including 2 to put them up. If it wasn't for him, James wouldn't have had that opputunity to play savior for the city of Cleveland.

LA and Denver hasn't been as close but the physicality and passion shown by these teams make it a great series. Kobe Bryant and Carmelo Anthony's epic battles so far in this series is just something people should buy TiVo just so they can record all these games so they don't have to wait for it to come on ESPN Classic.

Thank you to King James, Kobe, 'Melo, Superman, Turk, Rashard, and Mr. Big Shot for making this a great end of may and maybe this will just be a preview for what's coming in June.

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